The Prayers of Many Course
Nine online sessions to help you engage with corporate prayer in a fresh way and transform your local corporate prayer culture
When teaching his followers to pray, Jesus teaches them this prayer: “Our Father, hallowed be your name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
They are familiar words, but how would the world change if today’s followers came together regularly to pray them? Imagine the transformations that would happen in our families, our communities and our nations! Yet a lot of us have found prayer meetings that feel monotonous and seem more like a duty than an exciting time of world-changing prayer.
Our corporate prayer culture desperately needs a revolution.
Worship in the Western church was once in a similarly poor state, but over recent decades it has been utterly transformed. Imagine what would happen if we applied the same time, creative energy and budget on revolutionising corporate prayer?
Are you ready to get serious about corporate prayer?
If we truly believe that only God can heal our broken nations, now is the time to discover new ways to engage with corporate prayer. The Prayers of Many Course has been designed to help small groups re-engage with corporate prayer anew, inviting them afresh to the glorious privilege of praying together.
It is time to relearn how to pray together to see our Father glorified, His kingdom come to earth, and our nations transformed.
The Story Behind The Prayers of Many
Mike Betts is convinced that corporate prayer is the only way to see the healing of the nations and global revival in our day. Many years ago, he heard Pete Greig (a founder of the 24:7 Prayer movement) ask the question:
“What if churches applied the same creative expression and resources to their prayer meetings as to their worship services?”
Mike took the question to heart. Since then, he has overseen the creation of ENOUGH, a prayer format that helps churches engage in fresh and creative expressions of corporate prayer. He has also written The Prayers of Many, the book that this course is based upon.
Running a Course
The course has been designed so that anyone, anywhere can implement it.
The course follows along with The Prayers of Many book, which explores nine themes of corporate prayer in short digestible chapters. Gather a group together and provide everyone with a copy of the book. All the teaching material is provided: teaching videos to introduce each session’s theme, handouts that guide your discussion and a time of prayer, and more.
There is also bonus content: prayer tip videos, and ideas for those wanting to explore a topic in more detail.
And because it’s all online, you can run a course either in person or over the internet.
Session Outline
In each session, you will explore a theme of corporate prayer in four sections.
Where some sessions require additional preparation, this has been noted at the beginning of each session’s page on the website.
1. Read a chapter
The online course follows the themes explored in The Prayers of Many in short, digestible chapters. Read a chapter before you meet together.
2. Video teaching
Watch a bite-size video in which the book author, Mike Betts, gives an overview of the chapter for that session.
3. Group discussion
Discuss and reflect on the theme together using verses and questions provided in the handout.
There is also extra content for those who want to explore the topic in more detail.
4. Pray together
Use the creative ideas to help you practically engage with the session’s topic in a time of prayer together.
Over the nine sessions you will have many fresh ideas for prayer that you can apply in your local church setting!