Session Three
In this session, we’re going to learn how corporate prayer can be like armed combat, and how it serves as a weapon in spiritual warfare.
Read chapter 3 of the book The Prayers of Many
Watch the following video before going through the interactive section below with your small group
Teaching Video 03: Prayer is like armed combat
Small Group Section
Key verses: 2 Chronicles 20:15 | Ephesians 6:11-13
As individuals and as a church family, how do you fight the battles of life? Where in your battle tactics does corporate prayer feature?
Would you say that corporate prayer is on your frontline? If yes, how? If not, how could that change?
Personal individual prayer is vital, but what advantages do you see in praying with others?
“If we fight we win, if we don’t we will face avoidable losses! This is the reality of war.” How does that statement motivate you to pray?
In your church, how is prayer treated as a powerful force? Are people aware that their prayers play a key role in the outcome of spiritual battles? If not, how can we introduce these realities?
Corporate prayer is our frontline heavy weaponry for fighting spiritual battles.
Prayer will only be treated as the powerful force that it is when people understand its impact in the heavenly realms.
The nature of war is that losses occur if we don’t fight. When we do fight, victory is certain because of the power and authority of Christ.
Ask God to help you use corporate prayer as the frontline weaponry in the life of your church. Listen to what God might be prompting you to do.
Share some battles you are facing in your lives or in the life of your church.
Pray for each other, remembering the Christ’s powerful authority and certain victory.
Prayer Tip
A great way to pray about anything is simultaneously: praying altogether, out loud and at the same time, pausing after each item to introducing the next. Watch the video to learn more.
A key enemy tactic is to convince us we are not at war. What differences are there between a community at war and one at peace?
Are you and your church community living in the reality of the spiritual war that Christ is fighting on our behalf? Watch Libby’s Story to hear her experience of being in a small but powerful prayer group.