Session Seven
“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it” (Psalm 24:1). In this session, we’re exploring how prayer can be like serving an eviction notice to the sin and evil that has invaded.
Read chapter 7 of the book The Prayers of Many
Watch the following video before going through the interactive section below with your small group
Teaching Video 07: Prayer is like serving an eviction notice
Small Group Section
Key verses: John 10:10 | 1 Corinthians 15:25
Much of the world is broken and in the grip of the enemy. Name some situations in your locality where brokenness and sin affect people’s lives.
In Christ we have the spiritual authority to force the devil to vacate. How and where are you using your God-given authority in the situations you are praying for?
The truth about God and His promises are the foundation we use to claim back, on behalf of God, what is rightfully His. In what ways can we use Scripture in our prayers?
Reflecting honestly, how do you feel when you pray and nothing changes? Why is persistence important when it comes to serving a notice of eviction?
Prayer engages with the process of taking back and reclaiming for the Lord what is rightfully His.
At its heart it is simply the authority of Scripture that brings about the changes.
The enemy will not accept an eviction notice without contest, so perseverance is important.
Think of a situation or person where you want to see the enemy evicted. Write down the lie that the enemy has used. Below the lie, write biblical truths that contradict it.
For example:
Person: A friend with low self-esteem
Lie of the enemy: “They are worthless”
Truth of Scripture: They are NOT worthless, because God gave His Son for them (John 3:16) and Jesus loves them and died for them (Galatians 2:20)
Now get praying! Reclaim what is rightfully God’s and force the enemy out using the authority of Scripture.
Prayer Tip
“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17)
Using God’s truths when we pray helps to stir our faith. Learn more in the video.
Spend some time researching the legal court system in your nation. Maybe print out a diagram for the group to see? Note which court has the greatest authority and final say in legal matters.
In the heavens, this supreme court position is held by Jesus. Pray and praise God for the truth of Jesus’ authority using Matthew 11:27; John 3:35; John 13:3; Ephesians 1:20–21 and John 17:2.