Looking forward to ENOUGH on the 21st June - The impact of our prayers!

James O Fraser – pioneer, church planter and linguist toiled for many years before revival broke out amongst the Lisu people of Yunnan, China. 

He died in 1938, but his legacy lives on.  Not only is the official script of the Lisu people called, ‘The Fraser Alphabet’ (This script has enabled 1000’s of Bibles to be published), but it is estimated there are up to 200,000 Lisu Christians in Yunnan. 

James Fraser recognised the importance of prayer in all that he did, he said,

‘I believe it will only be known on the last day how much has been accomplished in overseas missions by the prayers of earnest believers at home’

James Fraser’s story is an incredible encouragement to us as our thoughts turn to the next ENOUGH on the 21st June.

As part of the Pioneer section we will be praying for some exciting and challenging pioneering church plants.  These include Simon and Natalie Tarry as they plant a church in Frankfurt, Germany, and two church plants taking place in the Middle East.  As these pioneers persevere and toil for the sake of the gospel, they need our prayer support.   

As we pray together on the 21st June, let’s keep James Frasers words at the forefront of our minds and never underestimate the power and impact of our prayers.  We may not see the results of our prayers in the immediate future, but we can rest assured we will see what God did through our prayers in eternity….how exciting! 

We look forward to seeing you at the next ENOUGH on the 21st June – come and be part of something great. 



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