Discovering the extraordinary power of corporate prayer
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To worship and pray, thanking God for all He has done.

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Thanksgiving Section

The Thanksgiving section of each ENOUGH event is an opportunity to:

  • Collectively read out the Nicene Creed

  • Spend time worshipping and thanking God

  • Listen to stories and testimonies of what God has done and is doing amongst us

  • Have communion (if this hasn’t already been done during the family time)

As a Hub, please shape this section in whatever way works for you.

The Nicene Creed

ENOUGH is about acknowledging that God is enough and this creed succinctly declares the depth and breadth of what we know God to be and what he has done for us. The intention is that declaring these truths will be the rocket fuel that ignites the community into higher levels of worship and prayer!


This is a great opportunity to ask people to give testimony of the things that God has done in their lives in response to prayer (either at ENOUGH or other prayer times).