Planning your event
We want to see the Church re-envisioned and equipped for corporate prayer. Therefore, we have been putting together resources over the years to help leaders created and host corporate prayer events that are engaging, well-paced and powerful.
Event resources
Once registered, hosts will receive some resources to help ensure that everyone involved is following a common agenda through the evening. These are emailed to event hosts in the 2-3 months running up to an event.
Event Outline
All the main sections to include in the meeting (view 2021 document)
Ideas to help you plan a creative prayer time for all ages
Slides you can adapt to your needs, and pre-recorded videos to help introduce each section
Timing your event
We are asking all the online participants to try and pray at or around 6pm in their time zone. However, the timings for in-person events is flexible. Here’s a suggested outline:
Start with a meal around 6pm, followed by a time of sung worship, then prayer, ending between 9 - 10pm.
Some churches make it a half-night of prayer, lasting from 6pm until midnight. All we ask is that you follow the framework provided so that we are all asking God for the same things on the same evening!
Promoting your event
We also provide a media pack to help you promote your event, containing graphics and slides that you might find useful. CLICK HERE FOR THE MEDIA PACK