Inspiring People to Take Part

These evenings are important occasions, that’s why I ask the church to make a special effort to be there. I am persuaded that prayer is powerful.
— Daniel Goodman, Cambridge

5 practical ways to inspire people


1. Global perspective

Remind people that this is an international prayer movement and that they are praying along with thousands of others across the globe


2. Corporate prayer is modelled in the Bible

'But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.' (Acts 6:4)


3. God answers our prayers

There are many stories and testimonies of how God has answered prayer. When inviting people to take part in ENOUGH its vital to share these stories, which inspire faith.

4) It's a great family time

Having a meal together, sharing communion, kids games and activities - who wouldn't want to be part of this!

Even online, this can be a great family occasion. What a great way to teach your children the power of prayer, how to pray and the privilege of praying with brothers and sisters around the globe.


5. We have been given access to God, our Father - let's revel in it and enjoy it!

'For through him (Jesus) we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.' (Ephesians 2 v 18)


Watch this video from Mike Betts, recorded live in 2019. Mike unpacks some key ways to inspire people in corporate prayer.