Discovering the extraordinary power of corporate prayer
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To draw the family of Christ together with the focus on a meal and communion. This is also a time to create a family prayer space to encourage families and children to pray through the same topics that will be prayed about later in the evening.

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Download Family and Children Prayer Space ideas

Family and Children Prayer Space Ideas

This is a designated area where families can pray together for some of the prayer topics covered in this ENOUGH.  A guide with ideas can be found by clicking on the button. 

 How to make this work:

  • Set up the prayer space in a separate room or space.

  • Encourage parents to take their children around the space and pray with them.

  • Create the prayer space alongside other fun activities such as games, bouncy castle etc.


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Download Activity Cards (English)

Download Activity Cards (Japanese)

Download Activity Cards (Dutch)


These have been designed to support families in praying with their children and to make prayer fun and accessible.

Please print the cards (on A4 card) in preparation for the evening

The cards can be used in various ways:

  • Give to families a week before ENOUGH to play at home and prepare their children for ENOUGH.

  • To play and pray during the meal time.

  • To play and pray during the main prayer event (to encourage child participation).

  • To use in Sunday kids work either before or after ENOUGH.