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Take part in a simple fast

For this Enough event we are adding the option of fasting together in the days after the event. In the bible Daniel's fight against spiritual forces was aided by his prayer with fasting.

We are encouraging everyone who does Enough to also take part in a Daniel style fast for 2, 5 or 10 days after the 13th November. The Daniel Fast is a simple way for us all to learn and grow together in the powerful discipline. You eat a simple diet and this helps focus your heart on God and continue to pray.

Three reasons to take part

  1. It will help us pray beyond the Enough evening and add spiritual weight to our prayers.

  2. We will encounter God.

  3. In this time of adversity it will help us thrive.

How it works

To take part simply download the guide and cookbook and plan your fast. Start on the day after the event and continue for 2, 5 or 10 days. If you can’t change your diet for medical reasons or you just don’t think you can fast from certain foods, the guide includes suggestions as to other ways you can fast.

Fasting does not gain us any merit with God but it is a weapon that gains ground for the Kingdom.

We believe that, like Daniel, our fasting together will lead to even more breakthrough than would otherwise have happened. Join us, let’s draw near to God together and see Him move in power.


Download the ‘Guide to the Daniel Fast’

Download the ‘Guide to the Daniel Fast’

Download the ‘Daniel Fast Cookbook’

Download the ‘Daniel Fast Cookbook’