ENOUGH Spotlight Update 5 - Hope for refugee children in Athens

At ENOUGH on the 12th June 2020, we prayed for the incredible work that the organisation Faros is doing with unaccompanied refugee children in Athens, Greece. Watch the original video.

We heard how there are approximately 5000 unaccompanied refugee children in Athens and that 3 out of 4 are without accommodation.

The children have been particularity at risk during the COVID-19 lock down, as the normal services that help them have been closed, but Faros’ shelter has remained open throughout the pandemic, accommodating 22 children between the age of 10-16.

New drop-in centre to be opened

We have recently had an update from Patricia at Faros and praise God, Faros will soon be opening a Drop-In Centre in the autumn!

Please continue to pray for Patricia and the team at Faros. Pray for their safety, pray for the children to find love and hope, pray for the essential services that they need to remain open.

Still more to pray for

Patricia has also asked that we pray that over the coming months Faros will be able to expand the number of accommodation spaces available to children. Let’s pray for God to provide finance, resources and volunteers to make this possible.

How about stopping what you are doing now and praying for Faros for 5 mins?

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