ENOUGH Spotlight Update 2 - Miracles in Kenya!

We were so blessed to be joined at ENOUGH in 2020, by our brothers and sisters in the Kerith church in Kenya, led by Edward Buria.

Edward has sent an update video of what God is doing through our prayers, to watch, click on the video link.

Hear about how God has healed people, saved people and opened up unreached people groups, through our prayers.

Edward explains the importance of personal and corporate prayer, he says,

‘prayer is like our oxygen, it’s part of us’

and he goes on to encourage us from the book of James, to carry on asking God for miracles and break through.

‘You do not have, because you do not ask. ‘

James 4 v 2b

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Let’s keep praying for the Kerith Churches of Kenya, that they will see thousands come to know Jesus through the prayers of many.

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