Our investment in Prayer at Such a Time as This
We all make decisions every day that balance the investment of our resources against the returns we get. So, if you had the opportunity to invest in something that guaranteed a return far bigger than your initial input would you take it? Of course you would.
God keeps his promises
If we believe that God keeps his promises then in nearly every situation prayer is the investment with the highest return.
Our total investment in prayer was 25,000 hours over the three events.
Prayer takes time, energy and humility. All these things cost us something. But if we look in scripture and examine history we find that the returns on prayer are simply staggering. The promises associated with prayer are ludicrous, outrageous in fact. God will give us anything we ask in his name, our land will be healed, our sins forgiven. These are huge returns from lives invested in prayer.
So the question becomes, 'why wouldn’t we put all we have into prayer. Why wouldn’t we make this the priority?
The book of Acts and the subsequent missionary journeys of Paul demonstrate church life with a high investment in prayer. In particular, corporate prayer, where the number of people praying made a tangible difference to the outcome.
25,000 hours invested…
So the story of the ‘For Such a Time as This’ events and ENOUGH is about a group of churches and individuals who understand the spiritual investment market! We are on a mission to get the prayer meeting back to being the engine room of church life.
Using a simple and accessible model for online corporate prayer we invested 25,000 hrs of time into praying together during April, May and June 2020. With no other investment on earth guaranteeing a return in this way, prayer was our best response to a world breaking under the weight of COVID-19.
40 Nations….
The feedback from the event was overwhelmingly positive. People from more than 40 nations joined in. We translated it into 5 languages making it accessible to 15% of the worlds native language, or a potential of 1.1 billion people.
“Fantastic time of prayer. Really enjoyed praying together with an international family even though not in person but in one heart, spirit and purpose. Heaven must have been rocking and praising with joy at our unified prayers. Praise God.” - Participant.
Heaven must have been rocking
Having made such a sweet sound together heaven must have been celebrating. The return on this investment is sure to come and over the weeks and months ahead we will be reporting on what God has done in response to the time, energy and humility we invested.
You too can be part of Enough in the future, add your investment to ours and we will see God do extraordinary things. Register your interest in future events and you will be sent all the details. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
At the April event we estimate that 8,000 people took part
In May between 6,500 and 10,000 people join in from 40 nations.
“So informative. The practical prayer points made prayer effective and powerful.” - Participant.
At the June event more than 4,000 people were praying
“good to be a part of God's family locally and knowing you are a part of the wider family and bigger picture in what is going to happen.” - Participant.