Enough Grows More Global

A big WELCOME to all the churches joining us from the USA

We are delighted that a number of churches from the USA will be joining us for Enough prayer on the 16 November 2018. We are looking forward to partnering with them over the years ahead and increasing the reach of the Enough 'concert of prayer'. The locations of all our Hubs are available HERE.

History repeating

It is interesting to reflect on the fact that when Jonathan Edwards started his 'Concert of Prayer' in the late 18th Century, central to all they did was a partnership between himself and John Erskine in the UK. What resulted was the beginning of the 2nd great awakening. Revival broke out everywhere. The UK, Wales, every US state and every evangelical denomination was affected. 

This is out humble attempt to initiate a new 'Concert of Prayer' across the nations. Thousands and thousands of us praying, at the same time for the same things. 

If you lead a church and feel stirred to partner with us in corporate prayer, do get in touch we would love to hear from you. 

Mark AndrewsScale